Natively (Linux)

Antidote is currently supported on the Linux platform and needs Erlang 21 or greater as a runtime dependency.

To get a release, setup your environment and build Antidote by following the building a release guide.

Copy the release folder to the deploy target and start the release binary bin/antidote with the node name configured via the OS variable NODE_NAME (long). Other possible configurations can be found in the Configuring Antidote section.


$ pwd
$ ls
bin erts-10.5 lib releases

% start antidote with long name and (data and log) directory in the foreground
$ NODE_NAME=antidote@ ROOT_DIR_PREFIX=antidote@ bin/antidote foreground

% start antidote with long name and (data and log) directory in the background and attach a remote console to it
$ NODE_NAME=antidote@ ROOT_DIR_PREFIX=antidote@ bin/antidote start
$ NODE_NAME=antidote@ bin/antidote remote_console

% stop antidote
$ NODE_NAME=antidote@ bin/antidote stop

Clients can now interact with Antidote via the default port configuration (see Configuration).

Logs and data can be found in the respective directories in the directory denoted by ROOT_DIR_PREFIX (default: no prefix, current working folder).

Last updated