
This benchmark is build on the original benchmark for riak core called basho_bench. Additional documentation on basho_bench can be found at basho_bench_documentation.

A benchmark setup for antidote might look as follows:



For compiling from source code, clone the repository and use the make command.

The compiled basho_bench script is found at the path inside the Benchmark directory:

  • _build/default/bin/basho_bench

Setup Antidote

Before you can run a benchmark you have to set up an Antidote cluster, or have access to an existing Antidote cluster. More information on how to deploy Antidote can be found at AntidoteDB-documentation/deployment.


You may use the

  • make runbench

command, which will use the default results directory, which is the '/tests/' directory inside the repository. If it does not exist it will be created automatically.

If you want to specify your own result directory and/or configuration file, edit the command as follows:

  • basho_bench --result-dir <results dir> <config file>

Results Directory

The defined results directory contains of benchmarking result folders, that are named as time stamps with the following format:

  • YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS, for example 20190702_091011


  • current, which is a link to the newest generated result directory

This time stamped directories contain:

  • the used configuration file: e.g. antidote_pb.config

  • logs for different log-level

  • csv files (one summary.csv and maybe several *_latency.csv), which contain the collected data

Generate Graphs

It is possible to make graphes out of generated csv files.

You can do this by using the following make commands:

  • make results, which will build the summary graph for the current benchmarking result

  • make all_results, to build the summary graphs of all benchmarking results contained in the results directory

You can also make these graphs outside of the repository. You only need the '/priv/' folder, as well as the folder containing the results (csv files):

  • Rscript --vanilla <priv/summary.r> -i <results-directory>

Last updated